Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stânfolde Part 3 - Classes


Due to the nature of the campaign, there are changes to the core classes that are available.  Some classes from the PHB have been changed or replaced, others have been eliminated completely.  Finally, there are some new core classes available that are more appropriate for this campaign.  The core classes that will be used are listed below along with comments about any changes and the role the class plays in the world.  (All classes have at lease Simple Weapon Proficiency).

Astrologer: Arcane spellcasters have hidden their skills within the cloak of astrology for ages.  Many now can combine their knowledge of the stars with computing actual magical effects.  Astrologers aren’t as adventure oriented as wizards, but their skills can be impressive if properly prepared.  (Uses Astrologer class from Occult Lore).

Avatar: Avatars are the mortal agents of the Heavenly Host, summoning down the wrath of Heaven on the unholy.  They cast divine spells like clerics, but specialize in the summoning of celestials and can even take on angelic forms at higher levels.  No one chooses to be an avatar, they are chosen by Heaven.  While they don’t have any specific place among the clergy, avatars tend to be respected no matter where they go as they bring the wrath of Heaven with them.  Many are allowed to be members of the Chapterhouse even if they don’t meet the martial requirements.  (Uses the Avatar class from Green Ronin's Avatar Handbook).

Cleric: The fighting priests of the Church, clerics are very common in the Stânfolde region.  While the less combative Ecclesiastic class is available, many members of the clergy are still clerics due to the great need for martial prowess in this region.  A change to the class is that the ability to turn undead is replaced with the ability to turn outsiders of an opposite good/evil alignment as there are no undead in this world.

Ecclesiastic: Not all the clergy is as talented at fighting as clerics are.  Those that tend to stay at home or in the city often become ecclesiastics, divine spellcasters that focus almost solely on their spellcasting abilities.  Note that ecclesiastic may not be multi-classed with cleric.  (From Netbook of Classes).

Fighter: Still the most common class, the fighter gains Intimidation and one other skill of the player’s choice as a class skill.

Martial Artist: Masters of exotic fighting styles.  There is a tradition in Stânfolde called Angel’s Fist where specially trained fighters and martial artists travel and challenge one another in a continuing quest to perfect their fighting style.  These fighting styles are taught by individual masters who often keep a retinue of students. (From Beyond Monks)

Rogue: The rogue is unchanged in rules and attitude from the Player’s Handbook.

Ranger: A consummate outdoorsman, the ranger has more in common with the rogue than the druid.  The ranger is fighting class, though he tends to focus more on stealth and skill than outright confrontation.  (Modified 3.5e ranger, on separate printout).

Paladin:  The paladin is unchanged from the Player’s Handbook.  They play a very important role in this world full demons and devils.

Shaman: In game terms, the shaman is a divine spellcaster but in reality he doesn’t cast the spells as much as coax his spirit allies to cast spells for him.  While more at home with nature than other classes, the shaman doesn’t worship it as she understands the spirits are awakened through the breath of God.  A change to the class is that angels may be taken as spirit companions along with normal spirits.  (Uses the shaman from Mongoose's Shamans).

Skald: The skald serves an important part of this martial society.  Through the skalds, a living record of the deeds of the past are kept to inspire to heroes of the present.  Skalds themselves are warrior poets, using the inspiration of the heroes from the past to make them effective combatants.  (Original class, on printout).

Witch: Unlike other arcane spellcasters, witches don’t experiment and play around with their Enochian spells.  Rather, they all cast from the same book, the Book of Shadows, which is said to have been given to them by Uriel in ages past.  While this claim is not disputed by the church, there is still some distrust from the peasantry as their magics are still arcane in nature.  The class itself focuses on subtle spontaneous spellcasting combined with ritual and natural knowledge.  (Uses the witch from the Green Ronin's Witch’s Handbook).

Wizard: Perhaps the most mistrusted of all the classes, wizards all cast their spells from the same magical language – Enochian, the angelic language of creation.  While what they do is not technically evil, it is considered the ultimate act of hubris by the church and there is a good deal of mistrust.  Most wizards learn to sling a sword along with spells to help their appearance.  The class itself has a slightly different spell list (due to the lack of necromancy) but is otherwise unchanged.

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