Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to Host a World - Part 2

Age of the Gods

Creating the PantheonCreate a list numbered 1-10. Each number represents one god in the pantheon. You can make the list longer or shorter depending on your desires, but remember that by the end of this process there will probably be several additional gods and several dead gods. Keep in mind that you will be rolling this list so make sure it corresponds to a die type (like d10 or d12). If you use an online number generator you can use whatever you want - this will also let you include newly created gods.

For each number on the list, roll a d20 and consult the following chart to make notes about that god to give you an idea of what they're about. Each option is a range of three with the results indicating a good, neutral or evil god. For example, rolling a 2 would indicate a neutral god since the option was for 1 through 3.

Also, sometimes the terrain of a location may be important to a god's nature. Because there tends to be so much forest (no races exist to cut it down yet), if the terrain you roll is a forest, you may opt to roll a d6. On a 1-3, treat it as forest. On a 4-6, clear cut it and treat it as plains.

1-3: Establishes a monument/personal place.
Roll a location. The god establishes a personal space at that location due to some sense of fondness for it. The type of location and alignment of the god should help indicate their nature. For example, a neutral god who lands in the forest would indicate a nature god of the woodlands.

4-6: Creates or helps a race.
Roll a location. Depending on the terrain and alignment of the god, the following races are created:

ForestWood ElvesFaeriesGoblins
PlainsMenHigh ElvesHobgoblins

The god is considered the patron of that race. If by some chance the same race is selected again (even if in a different location), the second god becomes a patron of some aspect of the race's civilization.

7-9: Creates a species.
Roll a location. The god creates a notable species of animal, plant or monster in that area. This is similar to creating a monument, only with living things.

10-12: Makes something for another god.
Roll a d10 and consult the list of gods. This god has created an artifact for that god as a gift. The nature of the gift is determined by the god it is being given to, and consequently the nature of the creator (who should probably be known as a god of craftsmen.) If of differing alignments, the story could be interesting like forbidden love or antagonistic, like chains to bind an enemy. Also, it is possible that a blank god will be rolled, so this may need to be determined later.

13-15: Kills another god.
Roll a d10 and select a god. This god kills that god. They do not have to be of different alignments. The situation should determine the god's nature. For example:
Good god kills good or neutral god - This god is a god of war with a tragically fiery temper.
Good god kills evil god - A god of justice and paladins.
Evil god kills evil god - This god is a god of plots and intrigue.
Evil god kills neutral god - A god of defilement.
Evil god kills good god - A god of murder.
Neutral god kills good or evil god - A force of nature who refuses to be trod upon.
Neutral god kills neutral god - A god of madness or chaos.
Roll a location. A one bead-sized are is the resting place of the slain god. Their nature should determine the effect on that location.

16-18: Introduces an aspect to the world.
The god introduces a system of magic or psionics to the world. The alignment of the god taints the magic system.

19: Parent of a new god.
Add another god number. Roll a d10 to determine whom the other was. Roll again for this god.

20: Creates another god.
Add another god number and roll again for this god.

No go over the notes and flesh out the pantheon some with names and any details that may strike you. You may wish to denote one of the gods as the head god or high father. If none seem suitable, create one (or one that had existed once). This process is more about creating inspiration through relationships than anything, so let your imagination lead you where it will.

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